Calculate Wiki manual

Updated 21 August 2018

Here you are on the brand new Calculate Linux Wiki. Everybody can contribute!

Why did we create Calculate Wiki

Our main goal was to allow Calculate Linux users to contribute to the project, namely (co)working on the CL documentation. We suggest that all authors respect several rules, so that your articles are easy to read and understand. Don't be afraid to do something that you should not have: any article on Calculate Wiki can be edited again.


Check the existing articles to get an idea on how to write your own.

Markup language we use

Based on the results of this poll, the new site uses the Markdown language. It was introduced just before launching the Calculate Wiki project. Thanks to Sergey, who suggested to to switch to Markdown in a @calculate_wiki discussion, and to everyone who took part in the poll! We really liked Textile, but it was time we moved to a yet more convenient markup. To read the markup manual, click on the question mark on the top panel or check an existing article.

How to submit articles and modifications

  1. To create a new article, select New article in the site menu.
  2. When an article is saved, it goes to [Sandbox] (sandbox) and waits for moderation and approval. All articles that have not been moderated will be highlighted in yellow in the main list, and will be available for editing and browsing to all registered users of the site. They cannot though be accessed by unauthorized site visitors.
  3. When an article is edited by regular Users, all changes must be approved to be validated. Try to explain your modifications with precision whenever you suggest any. The text displayed by default is either the one with approved edits or, if no approval, the latest version of it. To access the recent modifications, go to the draft or latest history point. Unapproved edits will be highlighted in yellow in the modification history.
  4. All users have access to managing article history points and can revert to an earlier version.


You must be absolutely sure about what you say in your article or manual. Do not make assumptions. Write in present tense. Prefer assertions to negations.


Installation, Is used, or Install, Use.

Your article or manual should be comprehensive, in order to provide full and clear information on the subject. Stick to the "What - Where - How" approach. Check the existing articles before creating your own. If the topic you are interested in exists already, you can always submit your comments or modifications.


  • Domain name: calculate.local
  • Network numbering:, additional 192.168.1-9.0
  • User logins: user, additional user(1-20)
  • To install: emerge -a (package_name)

Rules for adding code

**NoteBe default, all commands are supposed to be run from root. If a command must be run with user privileges, you should specify so in your manual!

Single command:

emerge -av chromium

Command with output:

# rc-update add postgresql-9.6 default
 * service postgresql-9.6 added to runlevel default

Note If the command is not displayed in full, an ellipsis replaces the end of the code.

Executing commands in turn

# cd /var/www/nextcloud
# wget

If you use single code with single quotes, you must add code using triple quotes.


MariаDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE `base` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

You must use the syntax of the code you want to publish.

Here are some examples for most used syntaxes.

  • PHP code:
 * Generated configuration file
 * Generated by: phpMyAdmin 4.7.5 setup script
 * Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2017 15:51:14 +0000
/* Servers configuration */
$i = 0;
/* Server: localhost [1] */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = 'localhost';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = '';
  • Nginx code:
# pmalempcss.calculate.loc
server {
        listen 80;
        server_name pmalempcss.calculate.local;
        access_log /var/www/pma/logs/pma.access_log main;
        error_log /var/www/pma/logs/pma.error_log info;
        root /var/www/pma/htdocs/;
        index index.php index.html index.htm;
        location ~ \.php$ {
               try_files $uri =404;
               include /etc/nginx/fastcgi.conf;
               fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm.socket;
  • Configuration file code:
;PHP has not been installed correctly. Query getenv("PATH") returning empty results.
env[PATH] = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin
env[TMP] = /tmp
env[TMPDIR] = /tmp
env[TEMP] = /tmp
  • Bash output:
# psql -U nextcloud -d nextcloud -h -W
nextcloud user password:
psql (9.6.6)
Enter "help" for instructions.
nextcloud-> \q

User access levels

You need no authentication to read Calculate Wiki. If you want to contribute though, use your credentials on to log in. There are several levels of access in Calculate Wiki, indicated by a chess figure icon next to the user name: pawn, alfin, knight and queen correspond to user, editor, moderator and administrator respectively.

user editor moderator administrator
Save in Sandbox + + + +
Move article from Sandbox + +
Log modifications + + + +
Accept draft modification in own article + + + +
Accept draft modification in someone else's article + + +
Modify header + +
Change page link + +
Add breadcrumbs + +
Move article to Sandbox + +
Block user + +
Delete article +
  • The User level is the basic access level, assigned to each registered user. A User is allowed to create new articles that will then be checked and approved by a Moderator; to edit other people's articles, to be validated or not by an Editor or a Moderator. Once the article written by a User has been approved, he or she user will be allowed either to approve the modifications to it suggested by other users or to revert to the previous history point. When ten articles written by a User have been approved, he or she becomes an Editor.

  • The Editor level allows to edit one's own and other people's articles without preliminary moderation. When creating a new article, an Editor has to wait for approval of by a Moderator.

  • The Moderator level grants the same rights, with the exception that a Moderator is allowed to approve edits and articles written by other users, to create and edit articles with a hierarchy, and also to ban Users if necessary.

If you have questions or suggestions, contact us on Telegram.