Logos and Themes

Updated 11 December 2019

This is the Press/Artwork page. Here you will find Calculate Linux logos, wallpapers, themes, skins and graphical presentations. note that if not otherwise specified, the copyright owner is Mir Calculate, Ltd, its materials are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. If you want to contribute to this section, feel free to submit your artwork at support@calculate.ru. Media are invited to use only the files available on this page.

Calculate Linux Pictures

Let the world know that you are running Calculate Linux.

Put our icon on your Web sites run by Calculate Linux, or paste the icon on your webpage, blog, forum signature or anywhere else, along with a reference to http://www.calculate-linux.org - Help us spread the system! Tell people that you like Calculate Linux.

Calculate Linux Banner

Calculate Linux Banner

Calculate Linux Banner

Calculate Linux Banner

Calculate Linux Logo

Calculate Linux Logo black

Calculate Linux Logo transparent

CD/DVD covers and disk prints