Программное обеспечение

Updated 22 April 2021

We in Calculate Linux have selected the software according to three criteria:

  1. pick our users' favourites;
  2. create a unified design that would match the window manager;
  3. provide one program for one task.

You can help us selecting better software by speaking about it on our forum.

Calculate Linux Desktop 21


type of application Cinnamon KDE LXQt MATE Xfce
Browser Chromium Chromium Chromium Chromium Chromium
Mail client Evolution KMail Claws Mail Claws Mail Claws Mail
Messenger Gajim Gajim Gajim Gajim


type of application Cinnamon KDE LXQt MATE Xfce
Office Libreoffice Libreoffice Libreoffice Libreoffice Libreoffice
E-book reader FBReader Okular FBReader FBReader FBReader


type of application Cinnamon KDE LXQt MATE Xfce
Image editor Gimp Gimp Gimp Gimp Gimp
Image viewer Eye Gwenview Nomacs Eom Nomacs
Scanning Simple scan XSane XSane XSane XSane


type of application Cinnamon KDE LXQt MATE Xfce
Video player Totem SMPlayer SMPlayer SMPlayer SMPlayer
Audio player Rhythmbox Clementine Clementine Clementine Clementine


type of application Cinnamon KDE LXQt MATE Xfce
File manager Nemo Dolphin PCManFM-Qt Caja Thunar
Partition manager GParted KDE Partition GParted GParted GParted