
Updated 25 February 2022


PeerTube is a distributed video hosting and broadcasting platform. [PeerTube] ( is an independent, lightweight, scalable alternative to YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo. It uses visitor browsers to create a P2P-based distributed network. PeerTube supports the ActivityPub protocol, which allows you to merge isolated servers with video content into a federated network. People visiting it can subscribe to channels and be notified about new videos. This open source application is distributed under the AGPLv3 license.

Preparing a LXC container

We recommend that you install PeerTub in a separate container and configure it according to the manual.

Installing and configuring PostgreSQL

Install and configure PostgreSQL according to the manual. Replace dbtest with your peertube_prod database, and the test user with peertube. Complete the setup process:

psql -U postgres

psql (11.2)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \c peertube_prod
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION unaccent;
postgres=# \q

Installing PeerTube

Install the packages required by PeerTube:

emerge -a app-arch/unzip dev-db/redis media-video/ffmpeg dev-python/nodeenv

Create a peertube user account and protect it with a password:

mkdir -p /var/calculate/www

useradd -m -d /var/calculate/www/peertube -s /bin/bash -p peertube peertube

passwd peertube

Install Node.js in the user directory:

su - peertube

nodeenv --node=14.17.6 .node-14

ln -sfT .node-14 .node-live

source .node-live/bin/activate

npm install -g yarn

echo 'source ~/.node-live/bin/activate' >> ~/.bash_profile

Create the necessary paths, download and extract the latest version of PeerTube:

mkdir config storage versions

VERSION=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4) && echo "Latest PeerTube version is $VERSION"

wget "${VERSION}/peertube-${VERSION}.zip" -P versions

unzip versions/peertube-${VERSION}.zip -d versions

rm versions/peertube-${VERSION}.zip

Install PeerTube:

ln -s versions/peertube-${VERSION} ./peertube-latest

cd ./peertube-latest

yarn install --production --pure-lockfile

cp /var/calculate/www/peertube/peertube-latest/config/default.yaml /var/calculate/www/peertube/config/default.yaml

cp config/production.yaml.example ../../config/production.yaml

PeerTube configuration

Setup PeerTube, replacing with your site:

# Correspond to your reverse proxy server_name/listen configuration
  https: true
  hostname: ''
  port: 443
# Your database name will be "peertube"+database.suffix
  hostname: 'localhost'
  port: 5432
  suffix: '_prod'
  username: 'peertube'
  password: 'secret'
    max: 5
# SMTP server to send emails
  port: 465 # If you use StartTLS: 587
  username: null
  password: null
  tls: false # If you use StartTLS: false
  disable_starttls: false
  ca_file: null # Used for self signed certificates
  from_address: ''
# From the project root directory
  tmp: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/tmp/' # Used to download data (imports etc), store uploaded files before processing...
  avatars: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/avatars/'
  videos: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/videos/'
  streaming_playlists: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/streaming-playlists/'
  redundancy: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/videos/'
  logs: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/logs/'
  previews: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/previews/'
  thumbnails: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/thumbnails/'
  torrents: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/torrents/'
  captions: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/captions/'
  cache: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/cache/'
  plugins: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/plugins/'
  client_overrides: '/var/calculate/www/peertube/storage/client-overrides/'
  # Used to generate the root user at first startup
  # And to receive emails from the contact form
  email: ''

Getting Let's Encrypt certificate

Get a certificate for Nginx on according to the manual.

Installing and configuring Nginx

Setup and configure your Nginx server, as described in the manual.

Copy the default Nginx configuration file for PeerTube:

cp /var/calculate/www/peertube/peertube-latest/support/nginx/peertube /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/peertube.conf

Specify the paths and the server name,

server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

    location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
        default_type "text/plain";
        root /var/www/certbot;
    location / { return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }

upstream backend {
    server localhost:9000;

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    # Bypass PeerTube for performance reasons. Could be removed
    location ~ ^/client/(.*\.(js|css|woff2|otf|ttf|woff|eot))$ {
        add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=31536000, immutable";
        alias /var/calculate/www/peertube/peertube-latest/client/dist/$1;
    # Cache 2 hours
    add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=7200";
    root /var/calculate/www/peertube/storage;
    rewrite ^/static/(thumbnails|avatars)/(.*)$ /$1/$2 break;
    try_files $uri
        # Don't spam access log file with byte range requests
        access_log off;
    root /var/calculate/www/peertube/storage;
    rewrite ^/static/webseed/(.*)$ /videos/$1 break;
    rewrite ^/static/redundancy/(.*)$ /redundancy/$1 break;

Starting PeerTube

Create an OpenRC script for PeerTube:

# Copyright 2019 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

name="PeerTube daemon"
start_stop_daemon_args="-e NODE_ENV=production -e NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/calculate/www/peertube/config -e PATH=/var/calculate/www/peertube/.node-live/lib/node_modules/.bin:/var/calculate/www/peertube/.node-live/bin:\"$PATH\""

depend() {
        need nginx postgresql redis

start_pre() {
    checkpath -f -o peertube -m 0600 /var/log/peertube.log

Define the privileges:

chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/peertube

Launch the PeerTube daemon:

/etc/init.d/peertube start

Add PeerTube to autostart:

rc-update add peertube

Open in your Web browser:

Defining the administration password

The administrator password is created automatically. You can find it in the log. To reset the password, run:

su - peertube

cd /var/calculate/www/peertube/peertube-latest && NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/calculate/www/peertube/config NODE_ENV=production npm run reset-password -- -u root


Updating PeerTube

Node.js update

When updating PeerTube to version 4.1.0, we ensure that Node.js version is at least 14:

su - peertube

node -v

Node.js update

If the Node.js version is below 14, then install the 14.17.6 version in the new .node-14 environment and make it current:


nodeenv --node=14.17.6 .node-14

ln -sfT .node-14 .node-live

source .node-live/bin/activate

npm install -g yarn

If you set up PeerTube according to the previous version of the guide, then change the scripts /var/calculate/www/peertube/.bash_profile and /etc/init.d/peertube .node-12 to .node -live.

Source code update

Download and unpack the new version of PeerTube:

su - peertube

VERSION=$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4) && echo "Latest PeerTube version is $VERSION"

wget "${VERSION}/peertube-${VERSION}.zip" -P versions

unzip versions/peertube-${VERSION}.zip -d versions

rm versions/peertube-${VERSION}.zip

Install PeerTube:

cd versions/peertube-${VERSION}

yarn install --production --pure-lockfile

Configuration update

Copy the new default configuration file:

cp config/default.yaml /var/calculate/www/peertube/config/default.yaml

Update your production.yml configuration:

mv /var/calculate/www/peertube/config/production.yaml /var/calculate/www/peertube/config/production-old.yaml

cp config/production.yaml.example /var/calculate/www/peertube/config/production.yaml

Check the differences and move your settings to production.yaml:

git diff /var/calculate/www/peertube/config/production{,-old}.yaml

Choosing current version

Update the symlink:


unlink peertube-latest

ln -s versions/peertube-${VERSION} ./peertube-latest


Now restart PeerTube:

/etc/init.d/peertube restart

Updating to 2.2.0, 2.1.0

Update to v2.1.0

To update to version 2.1.0, run the HLS video torrents creation script:

su - peertube

cd /var/calculate/www/peertube/peertube-latest

NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/calculate/www/peertube/config NODE_ENV=production node dist/scripts/migrations/peertube-2.1.js


Update to v2.2.0

Connect to the database and make the following request:

psql -U postgres

psql (11.7)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c peertube_prod 
You are now connected to database "peertube_prod" as user "postgres".
peertube_prod=# select "preferredUsername" from actor where "serverId" is null group by "preferredUsername" having count(*) > 1;
(0 rows)

If the result of the query is not empty, you need to change preferredUsername for each entry so that it be unique.